JK PLACEMENTS is a reputed name for more with its excellence in HR Services such as Legal advice, Outsourcing HR Function and Talent Acquisition.
JK Placements is the world's easiest to use Learning Management System.
JK Placements has over 4,000,000 users and is used by large enterprise companies, SMB’s and not-for-profits. Experience enterprise learning that works today!

training and placement
Training & Placement Department is the hub of all possible interaction between the corporate, industries, Companies like IT, CORE and others with students with the aim of assisting in placements for all eligible students of passing out batches and even experienced through placement’sLearn more

bulk recruitment
For IT, CORE, MNC, INDUSTIES, Pvt ltd companies and other companies we conduct Campus Interview and drive the candidates as per their Requirement and Specifications, and satisfy their Requirement Accordingly - If they Permit us to conduct an CAMPUS drive in their names for their Requirements and Hence Simplify their tasks.Learn more

carrier tips
has maintained symbiotic, vibrant and purposeful relationship with Industries across the country and as a result, has built up an impressive placement record both in terms of percentage of registered students placed, as well as the number of companies in TIE US WITH US.Learn more